2008年1月10日 星期四

A trip tomount Ali

Fonaly , we came to the final count down .Not knowing why ,I cherish this moment so much .3210 ,we did come to 2008 . I went to bed at 12:30 am ,wondering that if I could still ride though after taking a 4-hour nap.At the same day january 1st. , we departed from our "base" at four . In Taipei ,I believe that there must have traffics still ,but in Chiayi you couldn't even see the road ahead sometime.On the way to the spot our leader made us dissappointed for several times(actualy three times).I know ,and I forgived him that it was his first time to Mt. Ali and he couldn't find the correct path at once. When we ride in the mountain , we've rode through the fog .Not untill we reach the spot that we found that it was actually cloud.I believe untill I saw it ,when I really located above the cloud. The cloud was so dense that you couldn't see any thing but those above it. Peaks of near by mountain looked just like an island,it almost convinced me that there was nothing beneath the peak ,and the island is floating in the air.There is another interesing thing that we saw .That is , the highest gas station in Taiwan.I have to say that they really got a nice view.The number of workers there is only 4,I mean total of course.This time to Mt. Ali there is only one question left in my mind,that is, how much are they paid any way.I wouldn't have take that job unless I am paid 500 hourly with free gasline allowance.60 Km from residential area to the place you work .Any way on our way of returning to base , it's ashame that I had a "bike" accident .It's ashame because the reason I fall was embarassing. I fell asleeeeeeep for one and half second then I bumped into the railling.If there is anyone sees this please remember , riding over the night is extremely dangerous, don't be embarass of takeing rest.You may have strong willpower but "bodies will be bodies",don't put what more it can take.That's it ,I can't recall what had happened later because I was too tired.
