2008年1月3日 星期四

A trip to Mount Ali(sounds so much alike with elementary school english homework)

Where were you guys when the final count down?It"s still hard for myself to believe my answer .I was in Chiayi(I am a resident of Taoyuan).With my cram school classmate we get there with a kind of strong powerful machine ,one of the most important invention in 19.th centry ,the best friend of college students in Taiwan------"scooter".This is the briefing of the journy .We recruited at Jongli train station,set out at eleven o"clock (it doesn"t sounds like an apropriate time because some of us was late).We took a break at Hsinchu Miaoli , to make it short ,we took break at every train station which named after the county.At the begining of the trip ,I didn"t feel much weariness but excitement passion and ethusiast.
Maybe the passing scenery were too beautiful ,maybe the shining sun were were too kind ,maybe the breeze were too friendly ,that makes everythings seems so cruel at night .Temperature no longer friendly ,wind has nothing but hostility ,dim streetlight seems going to extinguish at any harsh moment . Finally we arrive at my friend"s home it was eleven o"clock p.m..We spent 13 hours on the road.Soon ,we raised a campfire (my friend has a really nice yard) , sharing what what we saw what we felt on the road(though most of us were busying for warming ourselve ), To be continue...............
